Financial Planning

Your Path to Financial Success

At CSCG, we believe that strategic financial planning is the key to achieving your long-term financial goals. Our Financial Planning Services are designed to provide you with personalised strategies and guidance that align with your unique aspirations and circumstances. Whether you're planning for retirement, saving for a major life milestone, or seeking wealth management solutions, we are here to help.

Our team of experienced financial planners is dedicated to providing exceptional service and support. We take the time to understand your financial situation, priorities, and risk tolerance, allowing us to create a tailored plan that puts you on the path to financial success. With our expertise and holistic approach, we can help you navigate the complexities of financial planning and make informed decisions that shape your financial future.

When you choose CSCG for your financial planning needs, you gain a trusted partner who has your best interests at heart.


Our team combines extensive knowledge with personalised attention to provide you with the guidance and strategies you need to reach your goals. We are committed to building long-term relationships based on trust, integrity, and a shared commitment to your financial well-being.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how our tailored strategies can help you create a roadmap to financial success. Your dreams are within reach, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

CS Financial Planning Pty Ltd (A.B.N.   32 031 597 280) is a Corporate Authorised Representative No 329088 of Advocate Advisory Pty Ltd (ABN: 14 150 153 503) | Australian Financial Services Licence 405576

We offer a comprehensive range of Financial Planning Services, including:

Retirement Planning

Planning for retirement is crucial for ensuring a comfortable and financially secure future. Our experts work closely with you to assess your retirement goals, analyze your current financial position, and develop a personalised retirement plan. We consider factors such as income sources, investment strategies, and potential risks to help you achieve the retirement lifestyle you envision.

Investment Strategies

We understand that growing and protecting your wealth is essential. Our team provides tailored investment strategies that align with your goals and risk tolerance. We analyze market trends, diversify your portfolio, and provide ongoing monitoring and adjustment to optimize your investment performance.

Wealth Management

Whether you're building your wealth or managing existing assets, our wealth management solutions are designed to help you maximise returns while minimising risk. We provide comprehensive financial advice, estate planning, and tax-efficient strategies to preserve and grow your wealth for future generations.

Risk Management and Insurance

Protecting your financial well-being is essential. We assess potential risks and recommend insurance solutions that safeguard you and your loved ones. From life insurance to income protection and critical illness coverage, we ensure that you have the appropriate insurance in place to provide financial security during unexpected circumstances.

Education Funding

Planning for your children's education is a significant financial commitment. Our experts assist you in developing a savings plan and investment strategies that align with your educational goals. We help you navigate education funding options and education savings accounts, to ensure that your children's educational needs are met.

Estate Planning

We understand the importance of preserving your wealth and ensuring a smooth transition for your beneficiaries. Our estate planning services include will preparation, trust establishment, and strategies to minimise estate taxes. We work closely with legal professionals to develop an effective estate plan that reflects your wishes and protects your assets.


The information on this website is general information only and is not intended to be a recommendation. We strongly recommend you seek advice from your financial adviser as to whether this information is appropriate to your needs, financial situation and investment objectives. Whilst ever care has been taken in the preparation of this website, CS Consulting Group, its partners, authors, consultants, editors and any persons involved in the construction of this website, expressly disclaim all and any form of liability to any person in respect of this website and any consequences arising from its use by an person in reliance upon the whole or any part of this website.

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The information in this site has been prepared in accordance with Australian law for the supply of goods and services. This notice and the information in this site and all matters relating to either are governed by and are to be construed according to the laws applicable in the State of Victoria and the Commonwealth of Australian (Australian Law). The information may not satisfy the laws of any other country. It is not directed at people in any other country and should not be relied on by people in any country other than Australia. The information in this site is current at the date of publication but may be subject to change.

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