Financial Lending

Your Trusted Partner for Financial Solutions


At CSCG Lending, we understand that securing the right financing options is crucial for achieving your financial goals. That's why our Lending Services are designed to provide you with tailored solutions that meet your unique borrowing needs. Whether you're an individual or a business owner, we have the expertise to guide you through the lending process and help you make informed decisions.

Our team of experienced professionals specialises in lending and are committed to providing exceptional service and support. We work closely with a network of trusted lenders to offer you a wide range of lending options at competitive rates. Whether you need funding for a personal project, a new home, or business expansion, we have the solutions you need.

When you choose CSCG Lending for your lending needs, you gain a partner who understands the complexities of the lending industry. We stay up-to-date with the latest market trends and lending products to ensure that you have access to the best opportunities available. Our goal is to help you secure the financing you need while optimising your borrowing terms and minimising costs.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how our tailored solutions can help you secure the financing you need. Your financial goals are within reach, and we're here to help you achieve them.

Our Lending Services include:

Home Loans

Buying a home is a significant investment, and choosing the right mortgage is crucial. Our home loan experts work with you to understand your requirements and match you with suitable lenders. We help you navigate the complexities of mortgage options, interest rates, and repayment terms to secure the best home loan for you. Whether you are looking for a better interest rate or to simply renovate or go on a holiday we can assist you.

Business Loans

As a business owner, access to timely financing can be vital for growth and expansion. Our team specializes in business lending and assists you in securing the capital you need to fund projects, purchase assets, or manage cash flow. We analyse your business's financials and connect you with lenders who understand your industry and can provide tailored financing solutions.

Commercial Mortgages

If you're looking to purchase or refinance commercial property, our commercial mortgage solutions can help. We understand the complexities of commercial lending and work with you to structure loans that align with your business goals. Our expertise and network of lenders ensure that you receive competitive rates and favourable terms.

Vehicle and Equipment Loans

Whether you are a start up business, self employed or established Company we will source the best possible equipment finance for 30 lender options. We have been able to save businesses thousand of dollars in interest expense by providing our clients with independent service that seeks out a range of finance, loan and leasing options.

Debt Consolidation

If you're struggling with multiple debts and high-interest rates, our debt consolidation loans can provide relief. We assist you in combining your debts into a single loan, simplifying your repayments and potentially reducing your interest costs. Our goal is to help you regain control of your finances and achieve greater financial stability.

Schedule Your Consultation
With Shane Now

Our team would love the opportunity to discuss your business and offer our insight and services to assist your daily needs.

CS Lending Group Pty Ltd ABN 94 547 742 044 Connective Broker Services | ACN 161 731 111 | Credit Representative Number 482108 is authorised under Australian Credit Licence Number 389328


The information on this web page is general in nature. The information does not consider your objectives, financial situation or needs. Credit criteria, fees, charges, terms and conditions apply to all products. Our loan products & rates are subject to the individual borrower’s credit assessment. To be approved you must meet the credit criteria & responsible lending requirements. The amount you can borrow, the interest rate & fees you receive along with the product you qualify for may vary once you complete an application & all relevant details are captured & verified. Information on this webpage is not intended to be your sole source of information when making a financial decision.

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